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Recette du Cocktail sans alcool “Le Malagasy”



    1. Prepare the ingredients: Make sure all the ingredients are fresh. Squeeze and strain the ginger and lemon, The pineapple juice can be substituted with orange juice depending on the season.
    2. Mixing liquids: In a cocktail shaker, pour the ingredients and mix
  1. Serve: Serve the mixture in a large cocktail glass filled with fresh ice cubes.

Atmosphere at the Bar of the Hotel Le Grand Bleu

The bar of the hotel Le Grand Bleu in Nosy-Be is an idyllic place of relaxation, perfectly integrated into a paradisiacal setting. Located in front of a magnificent swimming pool, the bar offers stunning views of the Indian Ocean, creating a soothing and exotic atmosphere. The wooden terrace, surrounded by tropical vegetation, invites guests to relax in comfortable armchairs, while sipping their cocktail.

Les soirées au bar sont particulièrement magiques, avec des lumières tamisées qui se reflètent dans la piscine, et une brise douce qui rafraîchit l’air chaud de Nosy-Be. Les barmen, experts en mixologie, préparent les cocktails avec une précision artistique, ajoutant une touche de magie à chaque boisson servie. Le “Malagasy” est l’un des favoris des clients, offrant un équilibre parfait entre les saveurs sucrées et acidulées, avec une touche exotique qui rappelle les richesses de Madagascar.

When tasting Malagasy, you can let your eyes wander into the horizon, where the sky meets the ocean, and feel the soul of Madagascar through every sip. Whether it's at sunset or under the twinkling stars, the bar at Le Grand Bleu Hotel is the perfect place to enjoy a moment of pure escape.

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